Chris Ellwood, Blacksmith

by | Artists, New Zealand, Photography

Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.

Chris Ellwood fires up the forge and it soon climbs to 400°C. In a short while, it will hit around 1000°C.

Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.

The day’s activity involves making two spoons. It starts at 9:30 am and goes on until almost 11 am. 

Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.

Spoon in progress. 

Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.

Cooling down the tongs.

Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.

Brushing the impurities out of the metal, towards the end of the process.

Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.

A wooden mould is created (that takes the hollowed out shape of the spoon). The mould is soaked in water for a while before the metal is placed on it and hammered into the familiar shape of a spoon. At times, the wood bursts into flames, creating a somewhat dramatic effect for the onlooker.

Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.

Time for some tea and biscuits. 

Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.

The house, an old tram from Melbourne, Australia. And the shed in which tea is being served (built during the lockdown of 2020). 

Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.

Sammy joins us for tea and biscuits. 

Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.

Waving to a visitor on the property.

Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.
Chris Elwood, Blacksmith, Helensville.

Beware of dog—that doesn’t bite.